Atonement's Men's Group and WELCA sponsored a Rummage Sale on Saturday 25th from 8 am-12 noon. Donations were brought to the church on Friday January 24th. Thank you to all the congregation who donated items. The profits of $1600+ on the sale will benefit our "Rebuilding the Future" campaign.
Many thanks to Detlev Appel and Conni Kerrigan who were Co-Managers of the very successful sale. There were many people who gave of their time, talents, and management skills. Here is a list of the volunteers: Steve & Pat Colson, Phil & Sally Schaefer, Rose Henry, Cotta Ungerer, Carol Erlwein, Nancy Fergola, Iris Aeppel, Mark & Jane Gamble, Jackie Glawe, Butch Straber, Steve Showers, Woody Pope, Steve Vinik,Elizabeth Glidden, Brian Prince, Diana Christman, and Barb Craig. The sunshine from the Lord made our day at the sale so much more enjoyable. We are thankful for all who came to shop at the sale.