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This month on ALL SAINTS SUNDAY, November 6, people gathered to bless and dedicate the columbarium and new Lola Lambert Memorial Garden behind the church. Choir members sang as worshipers prayed and scripture was read, officially marking the renewal of this sacred space. People are invited to meditate and pray in the garden, which is named for beloved Atonement member Lola Lambert, who died on Christmas Eve, 2020. Lola loved gardening and was active as a Women's Group leader and frequent Scripture Reader at Atonement. Her ashes, along with those of her beloved husband Dick, are inurned in the columbarium.

Originally, the garden area was designed and placed as an Eagle Scout project by Matthew Aeppel in 2012. The columbarium has been in place since 2013. The fencing was installed earlier this year. The garden was recently redesigned and rechristened in memory of Lola with new plants and trees added, repair of the irrigation, a new water faucet, and a new brick pathway. Anyone interested in purchasing a niche in the columbarium where ashes can be stored for perpetual care can call the church office at 813-973-2211.

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