Our Atonement WELCA ladies celebrated the end of the 2023-2024 season with the annual spring tea. "Spring Bloomin' Tea" was the theme this year. The ladies were asked to wear springy, flowery tops. Hats were optional. Co-Leader Jan Bowers welcomed the ladies and shared a devotional. Barb Turner was asked to give the blessing of the food. She shared an explanation of the Common Table Prayer before asking the ladies to pray it: "Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let these gifts to us be blest."
An array of tea foods were enjoyed before Sally Schaefer, WELCA secretary, and Brenda Lenz led the singing of 'flower songs'. Jan Bowers concluded the tea with a closing devotional.
The link to the tea photo album is https://photos.app.goo.gl/iM1knqNyt64TeKzV9. There are videos in this album that you might enjoy.
Atonement WELCA will be back with a new 'season' in September. Atonement ladies, plan to get involved with this ladies service group. It will be a rewarding experience for you. Enjoy your summer.