I'm so glad you've found us here at our same old web address www.discoveralc.com but with our new and updated website. We have tried hard to create a site that is welcoming to people who are new to Wesley Chapel, or even new to church -- one that explains who we are, is easy to navigate, and invites the community to come join in our mission to SHARE THE LOVE OF JESUS, GLORIFY GOD, and EXTEND GOD'S KINGDOM to all the world.
We have also tried to make the site helpful to people already familiar with who we are, with easy access to the Live Stream of our service, and this Blog (under the dropdown tab MORE) which will feature news and posts from a wide array of Atonement ministries. A full directory of ministries is available when you click the ministries tab, and the latest worship bulletin (for the 10am Sunday services) can be downloaded, complete with the latest announcements, from the events tab. Prayer requests can be sent to the office by using the form at the bottom of each page.
This website will be continually growing. For instance, we're already planning to add informational videos, a page on our ministries to youth and families, a link to a more extensive photo album, and a password protected section with members-only resources. Your suggestions and comments are also helpful as we grow and expand.
I hope you take some time to explore what's here. We could not have done this without the great work, help, and cooperation of many people. Thanks to Cara Chiaramonte for pointing us to Wix and developing the beautiful initial draft. Thanks to our webmaster and Office Administrator Marybeth Gandiosi for compiling, arranging, and entering most of what you see here. Thanks to Scott Giesking (designer and webmaster of our previous site) for coordinating the domain transfer and setting up the live stream. Thanks to all leaders and team members for sharing their info and helping us set up their ministry pages. Thanks to YOU for visiting the site...I hope you come often and help us make this a place where more and more people can discover God's love.
Pastor Scott
